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The Virtual Cavalry: Telehealth & Crisis Response

In today’s Age of Insecurity, crises are universal and require alliances between medicine, technology, government agencies, and NGOs. One organization, Health Tech Without Borders, has harnessed the power of telehealth and social media to provide vital services to those in need. Through text-based communication, their volunteers have facilitated thousands of telemedicine visits in crisis zones.

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Is It Time To Revise The COVID Mental Health Narrative?

Is the COVID mental health narrative in need of revision? Recent studies have yielded perplexing findings, sparking debate and confusion. While some official sources suggest a significant impact on mental health due to the pandemic, other studies contradict this prevailing assumption. As a mental health advocate, the author delves deeper into the dissonance and encourages readers to remain open to confusion.

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March’s Top 10 Research Stories

Want to improve your mental health with just one simple change in your diet? According to recent research, eating just one serving of vegetables can make a difference. But that’s not all – we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 positive mental health research stories to give you a much-needed uplift during these trying times. From the benefits of nature sounds to the importance of mental and behavioral health support in schools, our list covers a range of topics. However, be warned – there is some devastating news included, so proceed with caution. Join us as we explore the latest findings in the world of mental health research.

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Creative Control

In a world that wants to look away from mental illness, one woman chose truth and vulnerability. She discovered the power of narrative control through writing and created a platform for herself and others to tell their stories. Despite grappling with the unpredictability of bipolar disorder and the fear of losing her loved one, she stands guard and keeps a constant eye out for trouble. Through it all, she continues to put words to these experiences and insists on their presence. The words, her own now, save her again and again. Sometimes they’re all she has, and it’s more than enough.

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What Does Radical Self Love Mean?

Do you ever wonder what makes you righteous? Is it the clothes you wear or the restaurants you used to frequent? In a world where we constantly seek validation and justification for our existence, this question deserves serious reflection. And in times of crisis, we dig our heels in even further. But beyond our physical bodies, there lies a stubborn flicker of magic – our spirit. The one that God lit on the day we were born. Want to delve deeper into the concept of radical self-love and the role it plays in our lives? Keep reading.

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