

You Needed A Raise To Pay For Therapy…Until Now

COVID forced a wholesale transition to virtual care that destroys the most common barriers to treatment; geography and prohibitive costs. With far lower rates and access requiring only a tablet, phone or computer and a wi-fi signal, you’re in business. It’s an exciting time for the mental health field. We are living through a historic inflection point: it’s very unlikely clinical care will return full-time to the office when the pandemic is behind us. Enjoy getting to know your therapists in a far more intimate way than we could in a sterile office. And don’t forget to feel excited for new, lower fee structures!

You Needed A Raise To Pay For Therapy…Until Now Read More »


All The Doctors

I’ve had many therapists over my lifetime. Clothes, an insight, a physical gesture repeated over many sessions. I was given gifts by them all; gifts I carry with me when I meet the world every day. I’m fortunate to have this grab bag; each contribution is as unique as the person who bestowed it. And it’s not the end; that’s not the nature of therapy. It’s a book written jointly by people who care about each other enough to travel long distances.

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