

Best of 2023 Research Stories

In 2023, significant strides were made in understanding the pandemic’s influence on mental health, alongside fresh revelations about the effects of air pollution, diet, and mindfulness on the brain. From young people struggling with increased anxiety and depression to the genetic roots of post-partum depression, researchers uncovered groundbreaking findings.

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Updates to State Licensing Laws: Check Your State

As COVID-19 continues to impact our daily lives, access to mental health treatment has become a critical issue. With lockdowns and restrictions, therapy has shifted from the office to the virtual sphere, allowing for increased flexibility and access to care. However, state licensing laws have prevented clinicians from treating patients in different states, creating unnecessary barriers for those in need.

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Have Meds Not Moved the Needle Enough?

Have Meds Not Moved the Needle Enough? Researchers believe that prescribed medications play a key role in the treatment of mental illness. They can reduce symptoms and prevent relapses of a psychiatric disorder. But now studies show that the antidepressants don’t work very well. If depression stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain might not even exist. What if the true root cause of depression is loneliness and alienation in our modern society? How can we fight back this structural enemy? Join me in this journey to reframe the battle against depression and incorporate the fight against loneliness into the treatment of depression without throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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