
It Takes a Task Force by Elsie Ramsey and Louisa Farr

When the weight of the holiday season is too much to bear, Elsie turns to a panel of experts discussing the art of self-compassion. As an advocate for mental health and an experienced writer, Elsie provides a unique perspective on the importance of community, vulnerability, and compassion in our daily lives. Through her cousin Louisa, a seasoned healer and Occupational Therapist, Elsie discovers a new way to approach pain and suffering.

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I’ve often wished with the purest sincerity that I could be more open about my moods. What would the benefit of such transparency be to me personally? I don’t really know. It’s not that I want sympathy but I would like to feel a mutual understanding exists between me and the world. Realizing my dream of cultural acceptance, or at least understanding, requires others to join me. A great many others.

Passing Read More »


Crisis and Collective Vulnerability

The standard rules of engagement are off. We enter into more creative and intimate encounters–less transactional; more substantive. “How are you”, for a short period of time, means just that. A collective vulnerability colors even the most banal actions–we eye our paper towels with appreciation. Introspection feels unavoidable in the quiet solitude of our apartments. Depending on how willing we are to dive into emotional recesses kept at bay by our daily routines, we emerge changed. If we seize the opportunity to fully pause, a reward exists on the other end; a souvenir of great value to carry along back into life.

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Can I Hold Your Hand?

Have you ever been in a moment of intense fear and panic, feeling as though you’re about to lose control? Elizabeth, a flight attendant on a bumpy plane ride, offered a stranger a simple gesture of kindness that made all the difference. As the stranger pleaded to hold her hand, Elizabeth not only obliged but went above and beyond, offering to keep holding her hand for as long as she needed. This heartwarming encounter is a reminder of the power of human connection and the impact that a small act of kindness can have on someone’s life.

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