bigger than depression

Our mission is to help individuals thrive by promoting mental health through the power of storytelling, advocacy, and community engagement.

what's your story?

"For me becoming a leader has been about shedding  conventional ideas of success. It's been about me saying, 'I've struggled with depression my whole life. And I get up and I live and I fight through it.' And there's tremendous power in being able to say that because it allows other people to say it too." 

Elsie Ramsey


Meet the Founder

Elsie Ramsey is a communications professional who began with a vision to decrease stigma through creative expressions of vulnerability. 

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If you’re not familiar with NSSC, you should be. Since October 2017, they’ve been speaking out and inspiring change for over 8 million children (1 in 10) and 14.2 million adults (1 in 20) with serious brain disorders as family members, sufferers, and mental health professionals.

We want to publish your story

Unleash the power of your unique voice by sharing your own narrative. Writing and sharing your story can bring about numerous personal benefits. Discover them today.

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